
24 Predictions That Have Totally Gone Sour

Two images from /r/agedlikemilk
Two images from /r/agedlikemilk

Published June 17, 2024

Published June 17, 2024

Sometimes it's best to keep your thoughts and predictions to yourself because they could be totally wrong, and when someone catches on it becomes pretty embarrassing. There is no telling what the future holds, with every single day that goes by there is always something new that can happen. Life is totally unpredictable, so while making predictions about the future and events to come may be fun, they also have to be calculated well to avoid ending up on Reddit's awkward subreddit /r/agedlikemilk.

As it would suggest, the content in this subreddit is stuff that has aged like milk, which means exactly as it sounds, it aged super poorly. This stuff has gone so bad it is laughable to read these days, and the people who posted it may be regretting whatever it is they put out into the world. Here are 24 awkward moments from people whose predictions, jokes and other statements aged badly.


(Source: Reddit)

Early Internet user says don't believe the hype! 1995

(Source: Reddit)

Hard to say

(Source: Reddit)

Who won?

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe not

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The lies

(Source: Reddit)

1 hour later…

(Source: Reddit)

This is now incorrect

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Or is there?

(Source: Reddit)

Enough said

(Source: Reddit)

The author of The Martian, talking about it's failure

(Source: Reddit)

Okay Elon

(Source: Reddit)

Fix Boeing!

(Source: Reddit)

Are you sure?

(Source: Reddit)

SpongeBob, doomed to fail

(Source: Reddit)

About that

(Source: Reddit)

A prophecy

(Source: Reddit)

Not so fast

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

They jinxed it

(Source: Reddit)

This one just hurts

(Source: Reddit)

Not so permanent

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/agedlikemilk, aged like milk, aged poorly, p diddy, news, the internet, instagram, kendrick lamar, drake, twitter, gaming, video games, youtube, history, trump, donald trump, magazines, mario, urban dictionary, america, usa, megamind, collections,