24 Real-Life Boss Fights To Prepare For

It is true that boss fights exist in video games, everyone knows that. Boss fights are battles that a player prepares extensively to take on. They take strength, time, and determination to defeat.
What most people don't know is that boss battles exist in real life, too. All around the world, different bosses exist that are just as intimidating as the ones in video games, if not more so. These bosses come in all shapes and sizes, and there is no saying when one might pop up. It's important to be educated and prepared in case someone were to come face-to-face with one.
That's why Reddit's /r/bossfight exists. This subreddit allows people to share all of the real-life final bosses they encounter with the world so no one is left stranded and scared. Here are 28 boss battles seen in the wild that people were not expecting to come across.