24 Relatable Memes Everyone Can Agree With | Know Your Meme


24 Relatable Memes Everyone Can Agree With

Two images from "r/meirl."
Two images from "r/meirl."

Published 9 months ago

Published 9 months ago

There is a certain kind of meme that is easily enjoyed by so many people because of how relatable they are. Relatable memes are those that portray a certain mood or situation so perfectly that it is hard to argue with them. They are popular and easy to share, and sometimes it is a little odd that so many people in the world experience the same things in life. It makes everyone feel a little closer — like maybe we aren't all that different from one another after all.

Relatable memes can be identified because they usually start with something like "me when" or "when you" or are accompanied by the phrase "me IRL" which stands for "me, in real life." Relatable memes are good for the soul and are able to explain some pretty specific situations, ones you might think no one else has been in before if it wasn't for the meme. Here are 25 relatable memes that will satisfy the soul today.

Yeah Pretty Much

(Source: Reddit)

No For Real Though

(Source: Reddit)

Easy Money

(Source: Reddit)

Still Gotta Try It Every Time

(Source: Reddit)

Got 'em

(Source: Reddit)

Which One?

(Source: Reddit)

Make It Stop

(Source: Reddit)

Time Management

(Source: Reddit)

Guy Scouts

(Source: Reddit)

No Ones Gonna Know

(Source: Reddit)

This World is Cruel

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Might Not Work

(Source: Reddit)

Please I Just Want to Sleep

(Source: Reddit)

That Should Do It

(Source: Reddit)

Fight Fight Fight

(Source: Reddit)

The Ball Did Go

(Source: Reddit)

Money Changes People

(Source: Reddit)

Old People Things

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Help It

(Source: Reddit)

Must Be Alone

(Source: Reddit)

It Could Be

(Source: Reddit)

It Has to Be Done

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: relatable memes, big mood, college, dating, twitter, reddit, mcdonalds, mcrib, parenting, skyrim, gaming, video games, avatar, thanksgiving, food, music, backstreet boys, walmart, spongebob, gym, sports, tumblr, collections,