24 Relatable Memes For Everyone's Satisfaction

There are some situations and feelings in life that are commonly experienced by many people. The kinds of situations and feelings that just seem to happen to all of us. Some of them are super specific, and in a way are strange that we all have experienced them, and others are just general happenings of life. Relatable memes are the kinds of memes that are made to represent these commonly felt feelings. They are popular and easy to share because of their relatability and have the ability to bring everyone closer together. They go to show that no one is really all that different after all.
Reddit's /r/meirl is a community that is dedicated to collecting and sharing these relatable memes. "Me IRL" stands for "me, in real life," which is the slogan used to identify one of these relatable memes. Some other things that may be said in response to a relatable meme is the term "big mood." For memes that satisfy the soul, here are 24 relatable memes.