24 Relatable Memes To Prove We're Not So Different

There are lots of memes out there on the internet. There is a meme for everyone in fact. Memes are not discriminatory, whoever a person is, whatever they are into, there is a meme for them to enjoy. If someone is merely just a person existing, there are memes for that too. Relatable memes include absolutely everyone. These kinds of memes, which are known by the phrase "me IRL", meaning "me, in real life," consist of pictures and phrases that describe specific yet true moments from life.
Sometimes they are surprisingly relatable, depicting things that are so obscure and specific they wouldn't seem relatable, but somehow are. These memes are popular because they are so easy to share with just about anyone, they are meant to bring people together. From one of the most relatable places online, here are 24 memes that will speak to the soul from Reddit's /r/MeIRL. These memes are just one big mood.