
24 Remarkably Dumb Things Children Have Done

two dumb kids
two dumb kids

Published June 05, 2024

Published June 05, 2024

It's a universally accepted fact that kids aren't really that smart. We can't blame them, since they've only been alive for a short time. But as any parent would know, it can be really frustrating to see just how stupid some kids can be, particularly when they're causing mischief that will come back to haunt the whole family, or simply to haunt themselves in the future when the look back on those times and cringe.

Even though we've all done dumb things as kids, it's likely that they were mostly forgettable. However, some things are much harder to move on from, and it's even more difficult when the online community has photographic evidence of how bizarre these things were. The following kids are some of the dumbest out there, and their actions are both hilarious and incredibly weird. Here are some of our favorite moments where children acted completely stupid, shared by parents, teachers, siblings and even the former children themselves.

Kid spent $4000 on Robux without parents' permission


Interesting dinner

Great ideas in second grade

Kid got tired of sharing his candy


Good job, kid

Can't argue with that logic


Alright then

Responding to scam emails

Kid completed a maze

Normal conversation


Picture time

(Source: Reddit)

How did this happen?


Kid was told by a YouTube video that holding a lighter by a $20 would turn it into a $100

Expensive gamer rage

OP got these texts from their son

Tasty treat for a 9-year-old

Middle school kid's "urgent" texts to parents

Poem to Mom

Good logic

Tags: kids, stupid kids, funny kids, dumb kids, kids falling over, collections,