
24 Self-Proclaimed Geniuses Gracing The World With Their Intelligence

Two images from r/iamverysmart
Two images from r/iamverysmart

Published January 11, 2024

Published January 11, 2024

For some people, being smart is the most important thing in the world. Education is important for many reasons, but the extent that some people take it can be a little overwhelming. People out there who think they are smarter than everyone else like to let everyone know it too. They are not afraid to show off just how much they know and in turn tell others how dumb they are in comparison. When IQ scores come up, things just become even worse. Some people, especially those with super "high IQs," like to brag about those scores and just how high they are, like that score is the end all be all of life.

In reality, most of these people are probably lying about how advanced they are, or exaggerating for more attention. These people likely aren't all that smarter than most. It's just another way for people to lie online and get attention. Here are 25 screenshots of accounts of these super big-brained people spreading their unsolicited knowledge and advice all around.

He Gets Real Information

(Source: Reddit)

I'm Sure You Did

(Source: Reddit)

This Is About South Park

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Wow So Smart

(Source: Reddit)

How It Feels

(Source: Reddit)

Is Being Smart a Curse

(Source: Reddit)

Say What?

(Source: Reddit)

Not to Brag

(Source: Reddit)

Very Cool

(Source: Reddit)

So Smart and Edgy

(Source: Reddit)

So Smart It's Stressful

(Source: Reddit)

Weak Minded Sheep

(Source: Reddit)

Too Easy

(Source: Reddit)

Yap Yap Yap

(Source: Reddit)

So Painful

(Source: Reddit)

Just Low IQ Things

(Source: Reddit)

Big Brain Time

(Source: Reddit)

Not Funny!

(Source: Reddit)

So Quirky

(Source: Reddit)

He Tried

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Settle Down

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: i am very smart, big brain, facebook, fb, john oliver, kids, south park, discord, barbie, oppenheimer, movies, instagram, school, sports, youtube, collections,