24 Situations That Are A Bit Too Specific

Some people have a real talent for explaining things super well. It is kind of amazing to see someone describe a feeling, or a situation, or how something looks so specifically and perfectly. It can get a little suspicious when someone is able to go all in on describing something. Like how did they come up with just the perfect string of words to get this point across? Sometimes people will share an oddly specific moment too. Like something that surely no one else has experienced before because of how oddly specific it is. Or maybe there's a question being asked that is also a little too specific. Like the kind of question someone finishes with "asking for a friend." Everyone knows that is not true.
Oddly specific situations happen all the time, and they are really funny to see. They're unexpected and strangely accurate, no one can really argue with the statements these people are putting out there, despite how odd they may be. Here are 24 oddly specific phrases, descriptions, situations and feelings presented by some people with some fairly creative imaginations.