24 Strange Creations Made By Some Unique Individuals

Taste is subjective, which means there are going to be things out there that are loved by some and hated by others, no matter what it is. This can be in the form of just about anything, from clothes to art to interior design. People put a lot of work into their craft, whatever craft that may be, but that doesn't mean they always have the best ideas or the most normal inspiration. There are some strange things out there clearly made by some unique individuals. While these oddities may not be everyone, someone out there loved the idea enough to execute it, and that should count for something.
Reddit's /r/ATBGE, which stands for "awful taste, but great execution," is a subreddit that collects all of the strangest creations found around the web and in real life. Here are just 24 of those bizarre things that have gained some questionable feedback.