
24 Technical Truths That Make So Much Sense

Two images from /r/technicallythetruth
Two images from /r/technicallythetruth

Published February 05, 2025

Published February 05, 2025

Sometimes, someone comes up with something that absolutely no one can argue with. Telling the truth isn't always the most fun thing to do. At times, telling the truth can be stressful and hard, and pretty boring, too. It just is not the most fun activity to take part in. The only time this is not the case is when it is a technical truth. A technical truth is a comment, answer, or statement made that no one was expecting, but it is too true for anyone to argue with.

Technical truths make people think because they are kind of peculiar and a little blunt. They are super clever and make silly remarks, comparisons, and a play on words that not everyone can come up with. They contain dry, and kind of sarcastic humour that makes people groan but laugh at the same time; people love them.

Here is a collection of 24 technical truths found all over the web. From comments to questions to answers to memes, enjoy the directness of these comments.

It's true

(Source: Redd)

Not solid

(Source: Redd)

It's worse

(Source: Redd)

They aren't wrong

(Source: Redd)


(Source: Redd)


(Source: Redd)

That checks out

(Source: Reddit)

This is awful

(Source: Redd)

What game is that?

(Source: Redd)

They are right

(Source: Redd)


(Source: Redd)


(Source: Redd)

Oh no!

(Source: Redd)

Throwing up

(Source: Redd)

That many seconds

(Source: Redd)

Forgot to specify

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Redd)


(Source: Redd)

Now that's the truth

(Source: Redd)

One minute…

Got him

It was part of training

Rocks rock

Full rotation

Tags: technically the truth, technically not wrong, /r/technicallythetruth, can't argue with that, reddit, the internet, social media, jokes, sarcasm, facepalm,