
24 Things That Are Both Funny And Sad

Two images from /r/funnyandsad
Two images from /r/funnyandsad

Published June 12, 2024

Published June 12, 2024

There are some things in the world that we probably should not be making jokes about, as a society. However, they do say laughter is the best form of medicine, so is it really that wrong? Sometimes the best way to feel better about something is to make a joke about it. Maybe it isn't the most appropriate thing to do, but it does make the whole thing a little simpler, which is nice. One major way the internet chooses to deal with hardships is through memes.

Memes can be made about literally anything, so making a meme about something unfortunate or sad is not that uncommon. When it is about something that is so universally felt it is doing the world a service honestly, it makes people feel less alone, like they aren't the only ones struggling. So actually, joking about the bad stuff is bringing people together, which is a great thing. Here are 24 memes both funny and sad from Reddit to deal with life in a dark yet humorous way.


(Source: Reddit)

Good point

(Source: Reddit)

Poor guy

(Source: Reddit)

Never caught a break

(Source: Reddit)

True understanding

(Source: Reddit)

Every company right now

(Source: Reddit)

That hurts

(Source: Reddit)

I wonder…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Clean your room

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Sends a chill down your spine

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Pretty much

(Source: Reddit)

He didn't deserve that

(Source: Reddit)

Why are umbrellas embarrassing?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Difficult morning

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That's how

(Source: Reddit)

Wonder why they broke up

(Source: Reddit)

Was supposed to be half cheese half pepperoni

(Source: Reddit)

Is it true?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/funnyandsad, funny and sad, memes, forrest gump, twitter, relationships, lightning, mildly interesting, music, love, ai, a.i., technology, roblox, video games, ikea, pepsi, commercials, nostalgia, kids, mood, work, collections,