24 Tumblr Posts That Feel Kind Of Nostalgic

Once upon a time, Tumblr was a well-known, highly used site that was popular amongst many teens and young adults. It is a site where people can make and customize their own blogs and then create and share posts they like. Tumblr was also a hotspot for fandoms, which are less popular now but were once all the rage. There was a fandom and a blog for every show, actor, band, musician… everyone had their own fandom. Many people made friends and communities on Tumblr.
Everything kind of went on Tumblr; there weren't many restrictions, which made it appealing to many as well. Over the years, the site has gone through changes, including ownership changes, which altered the rules. This drove away some users, but the site is still pretty popular to this day. To prove it, here are 24 more recent Tumblr posts from Reddit's /r/tumblr that are actually pretty good.