25 Abandoned Buildings And Monuments Lost In Time

Although it might seem odd, there are abandoned places all over the world. It is weird to think about the fact that sometimes buildings just go untouched for decades. There are abandoned places that range from small houses or diners to mansions and churches. There are even abandoned cruise ships and artifacts. It's interesting and kind of creepy all at the same time.
It is unusual to see these normally high-traffic places so empty and quiet. They raise questions pertaining to how the building got to be abandoned, what used to go on when it was not abandoned, and what might come of it in the future. It's hard to say sometimes why these places become forgotten.
Many people who go looking for these abandoned places to explore choose to share photos of them online for all to see. Here are 25 images of abandoned buildings, monuments, and other places that have been untouched for so many years.
The eerie Yellow Brick Road of the abandoned 'Land of Oz' theme park in North Carolina
(Source: Redd)
Abandoned gothic church in Portugal
Known as the Chapel of Nossa Senhora das Vitórias.
(Source: Redd)
This casino in Romania
This casino was built three separate times beginning in 1880. It was interrupted by the world wars and eventually was abandoned.
(Source: Redd)
MS World Discoverer, a German expedition ship that hit a reed in the sandfly passage, Solomon Islands, 2000
(Source: Redd)
Abandoned presidents heads in a rural Virginia field
These were originally commissioned from a Houston artist as the centrepiece for Preident's Park, a museum with presidential sculptures in Williamsburg, Virginia.
(Source: Redd)