
25 'Absolute Madlads' With Goals Beyond Your Understanding

two madlads
two madlads

Published April 02, 2024

Published April 02, 2024

Once in a while, we stumble across a person like no other. This person acts irrationally and impulsively, and he leaves either strange positivity or complete chaos in his wake. One might even say this man is mad. He is, of course, a "madlad." While the term has lost its popularity online in the past decade, rest assured that the madlads themselves haven't, and they're only growing stronger. It's always fun to see the wild and often slightly illegal creativity some people get up to, and how they can use it for either good or evil.

The following images will show you what the madlads have been up to lately. From saving lives in weird ways to really angering their ex-wives, the madlads (and madladies) are contributing to society in ways you never would have expected. There's a lot of entertaining content to come from their latest bizarre acts, so sit back and embrace the madness.

Online Gamer Win

(Source: Reddit)

I Wish This Were Real

(Source: Reddit)

That Wolf Must Have Been So Confused

(Source: Reddit)

Infinite Money Glitch

(Source: Reddit)

Ruining AI Family Guy

(Source: Reddit)

Fake Messi

(Source: Reddit)

He Looks So Proud

(Source: Reddit)

Excellent Service

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Chad Moment

(Source: Reddit)

Good Plan

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Do It

(Source: Reddit)

Employee of the Month

(Source: Reddit)

The Mole

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Innocent until Proven Guilty

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

How'd He Get 34 Reviews?

(Source: Reddit)

Historical Madlad

(Source: Reddit)

Good Driver

(Source: Reddit)

Excuse Me?

(Source: Reddit)

The Pirate

(Source: Reddit)

Alright Then

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: mad lad, madlad, madlads, weird, news, stories, ai, collections,