
25 Absolutely Diabolical Marketplace Listings

images from /r/crackheadcraigslist
images from /r/crackheadcraigslist

Published October 05, 2024

Published October 05, 2024

If you're particularly lucky, you can find some absolute gems when browsing through online marketplaces like Craigslist and Facebook. It's always great to see something that loses its value for someone gain it when it's sold to someone else, and that's exactly why the thrifting/used market is so popular, especially amongst the younger generation. That being said, many people use these marketplaces as an opportunity to get rid of practically worthless things, even if they are used second-hand.

This is where Reddit's /r/crackheadcraigslist shines, a glaring example of what not to sell on an online marketplace. Every post included in this collection is one of something that is so outwardly and bizarre that you can't help but think it's just one practical joke. Some of these listings are very serious, while others are so stupid it's almost obvious that it's just a bit. Either way, prepare yourself for a deep dive into the insane world of crackhead Craigslist.

Definitely worth the price!

(Source: Reddit)

Gaming toilet!

(Source: Reddit)

Patrick got some CAKE

(Source: Reddit)

Pool anywhere you go!

(Source: Reddit)

How else do you check its sturdiness?

(Source: Reddit)

Does it come with the jar?

(Source: Reddit)

Now in real life!

(Source: Reddit)

For all the Tiger Woods fans out there

(Source: Reddit)

A beautiful piece of art

(Source: Reddit)

Furby Roomba

(Source: Reddit)

At least it's free!

(Source: Reddit)

What a deal!

(Source: Reddit)

Get all the ladies with this whip!

(Source: Reddit)

“Still runs”

(Source: Reddit)

Amazing find!

(Source: Reddit)

Who needs a Cybertruck?

(Source: Reddit)

The perfect gift for any Apple user!

(Source: Reddit)

Brain damage Darth Maul

(Source: Reddit)

Pizza gone cold? Just resell it!

(Source: Reddit)

Right off the shelves! (literally)

(Source: Reddit)

A perfect gift for your enemy

(Source: Reddit)

Someone else will definitely make use of this

(Source: Reddit)

Priceless bread!

(Source: Reddit)

For any shopping in the Alps

(Source: Reddit)

If you're going through a rough time!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: crackhead craigsist, cursed images, facebook marketplace finds, craigslist, facebook, collections,