
25 Absurd DIY Projects No One Should Have Made

Two images from /r/diwhy
Two images from /r/diwhy

Published January 29, 2025

Published January 29, 2025

Many people take part in DIY projects all the time. DIY projects are done for tons of reasons. Some people like to save some money by avoiding hiring a professional and some people just like to feel good about doing something themselves. Other people like to take on a DIY project as a personal passion or a challenge. There are also levels to DIY projects. People can't really go wrong with making DIY decor or clothing… besides it being tacky. Other projects are more complex, like home improvement and car modifications, they should be done with care.

There is a reason professionals exist, though. Not just anyone can do anything first try. People who try doing things without the proper training could end up creating a DIY fail. DIY fails are disappointing, embarrassing and a waste of time, but they are kind of hilarious when they're so that it's just plain ridiculous.

For those who need some inspiration or maybe a reason not to attempt a project, here are 25 DIY fails that did not turn out as planned. Don't be like these people.

This koi pond

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What a steal

(Source: Reddit)

Seems safe

(Source: Reddit)

Wrapped the bike

(Source: Reddit)

How odd

(Source: Reddit)

That is something

(Source: Reddit)

A jouch

(Source: Reddit)

This is a computer

(Source: Reddit)

Kind of funky

(Source: Reddit)

The throne

(Source: Reddit)

What a time this was

(Source: Reddit)

Another one

(Source: Reddit)

They're a big fan

(Source: Reddit)

Couples toothbrushes

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Cheese lamp

(Source: Reddit)

Bathroom moss

(Source: Reddit)

The tie lamp

(Source: Reddit)

Pot that rocks

(Source: Reddit)

Had to be done

(Source: Reddit)

This mirror

(Source: Reddit)

This kitchen

(Source: Reddit)

These stairs

(Source: Reddit)

Appreciate the effort

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: diwhy, diy fails, /r/diwhy, hmmm, reddit, the internet, social media, /r/hmmm, mildly interesting, /r/mildlyinteresting, diy, diy projects, bad diy, diy fail, fails, fail, facepalm,