
25 Absurd Things Said By Americans

Two images from /r/s***americanssay
Two images from /r/s***americanssay

Published August 28, 2024

Published August 28, 2024

Some people are just really proud of the country they live in, and that's okay, to a certain degree. It's good for someone to like where they come from, but as with anything, it can get to be too much. America is all about being patriotic, that's their whole thing, some people take it to the next level though and in turn, make up some really insane narratives and come up with wild opinions that just aren't right.

One of America's biggest gripes is with Europe as a whole. They see Europe as some undeveloped, sad, inhabitable place, which is not true at all. The way they speak about it, and other countries and continents, is absurd. It's also really entertaining to see how some Americans think about the rest of the world, it can actually be kind of shocking. So here are 25 unhinged comments from Americans that everyone should be shaking their heads at.

Close the borders? Over a tip?

(Source: Reddit)

They really hate Europe

(Source: Reddit)

Freedom to drive

(Source: Reddit)

The U.S. is like 10 countries

(Source: Reddit)

Never left Europe

(Source: Reddit)

Love that

(Source: Reddit)

White means American, apparently

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Quit using American social media

(Source: Reddit)

Good God…

(Source: Reddit)

A copy?

(Source: Reddit)

Free carts are American culture

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Georgia is a country?

(Source: Reddit)

It'll be okay

(Source: Reddit)

Man up

(Source: Reddit)

"We perfected spelling"

(Source: Reddit)

Soccer is a peasant sport

(Source: Reddit)

They're magic

(Source: Reddit)

The downvotes

(Source: Reddit)

So nice of them

(Source: Reddit)

Europeans don't understand buying in bulk

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This might be the worst one

(Source: Reddit)

This has to be a weird joke

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: america, americans, delusional people, insane people, delusional americans, 'murica, usa, tipping, europe, tipping culture, tips, tiktok, travel, reels, grocery stores, walmart, instagram, facepalm, reddit, spelling, sports, facebook, collections,