25 Animals Caught On Camera Being Total Derps

Some of the cutest moments in life come from animals. Animals are adorable and they make the world a better place. There is nothing more heartwarming than an adorable animal photo; it's the perfect kind of eye bleach. Animals can be beloved pets in homes or they can be adored in the wild. No matter what kind of animal it is, animals are also pretty silly. Animals can be caught in all kinds of derpy situations, and luckily a lot of them get captured in photos so everyone can experience these golden moments of animal life.
There is no better way to cheer up than with some ridiculously cute animals in some ridiculously silly situations. Reddit's /r/AnimalsBeingDerps is a subreddit that features all of the cutest animals caught in their goofiest moments. These pictures are certified blessed and such a great form of timeline cleanse. Here are 25 animals being derps that everyone loves.