25 Anti-Memes That Really Shouldn't Be Funny

There are a lot of different memes out there. Memes are meant to make people laugh. They have lead-ups and punchlines and are meant to surprise people. Sometimes memes get a little too much though. Sometimes the jokes need to end and we need to get back to reality. That's what anti-memes are for. Anti-memes are memes that have been taken literally. They are meme templates that, instead of making a joke, explain what the template is doing. They are simple, nothing to think about with them.
Anti-memes might not seem like a whole lot of fun, but that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, anti-memes are tons of fun, all in their own special way. Reddit's /r/antimeme is a subreddit filled with anti-memes and anti-jokes that everyone can enjoy. It's hard to explain why they are so enjoyable because they aren't made to be funny, but they are. It's one of those things people have to see for themselves. So here are 25 anti-memes that are strangely entertaining.