
25 Anti-Memes Torn Down To Their Bare Bones

Two bone hurting juice anti-memes
Two bone hurting juice anti-memes

Published November 02, 2024

Published November 02, 2024

Bone hurting juice is a classic online joke that eventually evolved into a trend that produces content that's weird and has no inherent value other than to make you reevaluate the way you've been looking at these formats for years. While most fans insist they're very different from anti-memes, bone hurting juice creations are essentially the same concept. They involve flipping a joke backwards and upside-down or making it mean something completely different, for no reason other than to confuse and amuse the viewer.

Thanks to these bone-hurting memes, there's a good chance you'll never look at the following meme formats the same way ever again, and that's okay, because now that you've seen the worst possible takes on these formats, you know there's nowhere to go but up from here. Bone hurting juice memes are popular due to their ability to ruin basic jokes, while also somehow remaining funny, and no, we still don't know how or why this works. Let's have a look.


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Important Decision

Thanks For The Help

(Source: Reddit)

It's Hard to Find Love When You're a Giant

(Source: Reddit)

Coffee Shop

(Source: Reddit)

Found a Cure

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

New Couch

(Source: Reddit)

Great Movie Plot

(Source: Reddit)

Good Luck With That

(Source: Reddit)

The Doctors Can't Find Anything Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Collector's Item

(Source: Reddit)

Money Tears

(Source: Reddit)

Leave My Lymphatic System Alone

(Source: Reddit)

The Painting

(Source: Reddit)

So Sad

(Source: Reddit)

Good Question

(Source: Reddit)

Wow, How Thoughtful

(Source: Reddit)

The Tragedy of the Muffin Man

(Source: Reddit)

Uncanny Resemblance

(Source: Reddit)

Good Dog

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Hotline Bling

(Source: Reddit)
