25 Attempted Tasks Gone Wrong

Things don't always go according to plan. No matter how well-thought-out or perfectly executed a plan can be, something can always go wrong. It's always upsetting when things go wrong but it's part of life. People mess things up all the time, the world never sees many mistakes but unfortunately for others that is not the case. Sometimes mistakes go public, which is embarrassing. For the people whose plans went wrong, it's probably a pretty disappointing feeling, but for everyone else, these failures are sources of entertainment.
There are many examples of attempted plans gone wrong to be found on Reddit's /r/therewasanattempt. This subreddit features images and videos of people failing at their master plans. Each post is titled with a simple explanation of what was attempted to be done. So for anyone wanting to feel better about their own failures, here are 25 people and their failed attempts to do things.