
25 Awful Creations No One Should Like

Two images from /r/TIHI
Two images from /r/TIHI

Published June 11, 2024

Published June 11, 2024

There are some things that exist out there that absolutely no one asked for, and absolutely no one likes. Of course, when it comes to posting stuff online, there truly is a ton of freedom that comes along with it. There is a site for everyone and everything. People can share their most bizarre creations, their strangest thrift store finds, their weird moments, and of course all of their deepest thoughts. Because of this, there is just no saying what is going to pop up on that next scroll. The internet is weird, but that's part of its charm.

There is a very specific subreddit on Reddit made solely for the strange stuff. This is called /r/TIHI, which stands for "thanks, I hate it." The kind of stuff that can be found on this subreddit varies greatly, but all in all, it is full of weird and wacky things from the minds of strange people all over the world. Here are just 25 of those odd finds where all you can really say is "thanks, I hate it."

Sippin' cream?

(Source: Reddit)

Edible eyes is creepy

(Source: Reddit)

Now that's just foul

(Source: Reddit)

Pickle ice cream, with pickle garnish

(Source: Reddit)

The horror of crocheted masks

(Source: Reddit)

And another one

(Source: Reddit)

One more for good measure

(Source: Reddit)

The shrimp clock

(Source: Reddit)

For the one you love the most

(Source: Reddit)

This thumbnail

(Source: Reddit)

This clown art

(Source: Reddit)

This Spider-Man figurine

(Source: Reddit)

This lunch

(Source: Reddit)

This doll

(Source: Reddit)

This thrift store find

(Source: Reddit)

These shoes

(Source: Reddit)

The Furbox

(Source: Reddit)

Hornets nest for sale

(Source: Reddit)

This bag

(Source: Reddit)

Off brand

(Source: Reddit)

Everything about this

(Source: Reddit)

This would be awful to use

(Source: Reddit)

Isn't it just… seltzer water

(Source: Reddit)

The collab no one wanted

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/tihi, thanks i hate it, food, stupid food, drinks, brunch, snacks, baking, eggs, gross, pickles, ice cream, of course that's a thing, crochet, atbge, awful taste but great execution, crafts, /r/atbge, awful taste, valentines day, collections,