
25 Bad Recipe Reviews From People Who Can't Cook

Two images from /r/ididnthaveeggs
Two images from /r/ididnthaveeggs

Published December 23, 2024

Published December 23, 2024

Cooking is a skill, that is a fact. There is a reason people need to learn how to cook, and at some point, everyone should learn the basics of cooking and baking. Besides people needing to be able to cook for themselves, sometimes there are events in life where a person needs to feed other people. These days, cooking is pretty simple because of all the online recipes and tutorials. These recipes simplify everything, but some people still manage to mess them up.

Online recipes are a saviour for so many people. They list ingredients and clear steps on how to make the dish in question. Sure, some are more complicated than others, but the basic ones should be fool-proof. It's the reviews and comments under these recipes that reveal the true insanity of some people. Making bad alterations, silly mistakes, and asking absurd questions are just some of the comments that can be found under recipes.

Here are 25 insane recipe reviews from people who honestly should just stay out of the kitchen from now on and be banned from reviewing things, because they have no idea what they are doing.

Who knew?!

(Source: Reddit)

Haven't made it, but here's how to fix it

(Source: Reddit)

On a fish stew recipe…

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Debbie

(Source: Reddit)

Can't fathom why it tasted dry

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Who asked?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Don't change it, but I did!

(Source: Reddit)

So disappointed!

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe this one is not for you

(Source: Reddit)

This is… odd

(Source: Reddit)

Crazy idea, isn't it?

(Source: Reddit)

It's that easy

(Source: Reddit)

Not everything is for everyone

(Source: Reddit)

And whose problem is that?

(Source: Reddit)

What kind of milk?

(Source: Reddit)

Cooked or uncooked?

(Source: Redd)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Glad to hear…

(Source: Reddit)

Didn't have time

(Source: Reddit)

Wonder what went wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Oh Ellen…

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds like a you problem

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: i didn't have eggs, /r/ididnthaveeggs, recipes, bad recipes, recipe reviews, cooking fails, baking fails, fail, who asked, reddit, /r/facepalm, mildly infuriating, /r/mildlyinfuriating, hmmm, facepalm, failed, oof,