
25 Bewildering Moments Showcasing Our Boring Dystopia

Two images from /r/aboringdystopia.
Two images from /r/aboringdystopia.

Published October 16, 2024

Published October 16, 2024

The idea of a dystopian society should be something exclusive to books and films. A dystopian world is usually something negative, it's a weird and twisted reality where things just aren't right. It would be hard to imagine living in one of these dystopian worlds, nearly impossible, in fact. However, with the way the world is now, it might not be so insane to call this planet a kind of dystopia, albeit a very boring one. When comparing modern days to just decades ago the world has changed a whole lot. Technology is ingrained into everything and advertising and consumerism have skyrocketed. Not to mention the rise of AI which is a whole new crazy development.

The world may not be the kind of dystopia that is featured in books, shows and films, but it is one of a kind, one that everyone has to live in. Reddit's /r/aboringdystopia is a subreddit that features photos of the world in all of its insanity. Things from real life and online life make up the strange place every person calls home. Here are just 25 interesting and kind of depressing things from the world turning it into a dystopia.

Pay to not be tracked

(Source: Reddit)

A daily commute

(Source: Reddit)

All for a single line of text

(Source: Reddit)

$20 a month to have a friend

(Source: Reddit)

For the kids

(Source: Reddit)

What the…

(Source: Reddit)

Too many people

(Source: Reddit)

So many of these now

(Source: Reddit)

Gobble and go

(Source: Reddit)

Historic building with McDonald's inside

(Source: Reddit)

Amazon in Tijuana almost looks fake

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The prison bounce house

(Source: Reddit)

Golfing with wildfires

(Source: Reddit)

Promo codes for lifesaving medical care!

(Source: Reddit)

"17,000 tourists arrived with cruise ships in Santori, a small Greek island"

(Source: Reddit)

AdWalkers in Wales

(Source: Reddit)

Disneyland next to a government quarantine camp

(Source: Reddit)

Screens instead of doors

(Source: Reddit)

The first photo is AI

(Source: Reddit)

Life is great

(Source: Reddit)

What a coincidence

(Source: Reddit)

That is criminal

(Source: Reddit)

Billboards over AC

(Source: Reddit)

When is it going to change?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/aboringdystopia, a boring dystopia, cars, traffic, driving, ads, ai, chatbots, books, tesla, cybertruck, science, reddit, work, jobs, ai chatbots, signs, dennys, germany, mcdonalds, amazon, tv, healthcare, tourism, greece, google, collections,