
25 Bizarre DIY Creations That Are Surprisingly Well Done

Two images from /r/atbge
Two images from /r/atbge

Published April 16, 2024

Published April 16, 2024

Taste is subjective, everyone knows that. What one person likes another may not, and that's alright. There are some things out there that are sort of universally seen as pretty atrocious. Something that's tacky, ugly, not quite right in some way or another. This is true for many things, pieces of art, clothing, some tattoos, and even peculiar looking cars. That doesn't mean though that someone didn't put their time and money into making it, so on some level, the bizarre creations in life have to be appreciated.

They are the kinds of things that are made with awful taste, but great execution. They may be ugly, but man they're impressive. There are a lot of these kinds of oddities around, many of them can be found on Reddit's /r/ATBGE. It's an entertaining time to scroll through and wonder why anyone would make these things, or how they came up with the idea. Here are 25 strange oddities created by some skilled people with concerning ideas.

The football stadium haircut

(Source: Reddit)

This strange car mod

(Source: Reddit)

A literal turtleneck

(Source: Reddit)

These claw nails

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This somewhat nauseating room

(Source: Reddit)

These shoes

(Source: Reddit)

A Walkman coffin

(Source: Reddit)

This is… odd

(Source: Reddit)

Making sure no one takes it

(Source: Reddit)

This painting

(Source: Reddit)

Pebble path, inside an apartment

(Source: Reddit)

Adult knit onesie

(Source: Reddit)

A Supra that resembles a blobfish

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Wow… but why?

(Source: Reddit)

Overdone crown molding

(Source: Reddit)

The cheese keyboard

(Source: Reddit)

What the-

(Source: Reddit)

This is just wild

(Source: Reddit)

This dice set

(Source: Reddit)

Wrapped to look old

(Source: Reddit)

This pool table

(Source: Reddit)

Okay… sure

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: atbge, awful taste but great execution, /r/atbge, hair, haircuts, cars, fashion, nails, nail art, tattoos, bad tattoos, kanye west, shoes, art, shrek, stupid food, dice, tattoo, hmmm, /r/hmmm, oddities, interesting, collections,