25 Boss Battles Stumbled Upon In Real Life

Boss battles are something many people think only exist in the gaming world. Boss battles, in video games, are enemies that are super beefed up and take a lot of skill and strength to beat. They appear after the player is meant to be ready to take them on, they are intimidating and ruthless. The idea of a boss or a boss battle is something that exists in real life too, shockingly. Bosses exist all over the world and they are even more intimidating in real life. They come in all shapes and sizes, some are scarier than others. They all come with their own challenges and skills though, so no one would want to meet them unprepared.
Reddit's /r/bossfight is a subreddit where users can share the bosses they have met in real life. This subreddit serves as a warning to the world of what is out there and never to let your guard down, no matter what. Here are 25 examples of bosses in the wild no one would want to meet in a dark alley.