25 Boss Fights You Do Not Want To Take On
Anyone who has played a video game or two before knows what a boss fight is. The boss battle portion of a video game is what much of the gameplay leads up to. You train and play until you get to a certain point in the game where all of your skills must be tested to defeat the boss. While this is an event that may seem like it is something exclusive to video games, there are bosses in real life that you do not want to meet unprepared.
There are some crazy people out there who would classify as a boss any day of the week. Some of these bosses aren't even people, some are animals, and some are objects, this makes it even more terrifying honestly, you never know when a boss might pop up. So always have your guard up, just in case you meet some of the bosses in Reddit's /r/Bossfight. here are just 25 of them that will have your timbers shivered.