25 Brand New Sentences Full Of Weird Energy

With all of the people out there saying and typing things all day long, it's easy to think that everything has been said at this point. Surely there isn't anything original left to say, right? Well, actually, the world and the people who inhabit it are full of surprises and every once in a while someone says something that has definitely never been said before. These are the kinds of sentences and headlines that need to be read or heard a few times over to truly grasp what's going on in them. They can seem like a bunch of gibberish at first but surprisingly, there is something being said there.
Reddit's /r/brandnewsentence is a subreddit full of these interesting and sometimes concerning sentences being said all around the world and the web. There is no saying what might pop up next in this subreddit, it is one surprise after another. Here are 25 brand new sentences no one has heard before now.