25 Brilliantly Executed Works Of Art Made From Very Poor Taste

In the crazy world of art, there are countless ways to show off your artistic ability, and even more ways of expressing your ideas in various mediums. Any canvas starts with an idea, usually, it's not completely fleshed out, but once you put your mind to it and execute it, it could end up looking much better than you originally anticipated. In other cases, your idea is sometimes much better left untouched, without fruition.
This is where the subreddit /r/ATBGE comes into play, showing off various examples of art pieces, passion projects and other bizarre creations that were probably better off not being made in the first place. To give credit where it's due, each weird invention here is incredibly well-made, with incredible craftsmanship on display, but the underlying problem is the idea itself, which was wrong to begin with. Prepare to enter a world filled with a variety of unholy concoctions and cursed images, each of which will irk you in one way or another.