
25 Brutal Comebacks That Silenced Social Media Users

Two images from /r/murderedbywords
Two images from /r/murderedbywords

Published September 13, 2024

Published September 13, 2024

Some people have all the luck when coming up with insults and comebacks. Coming up with a good comeback isn't an easy thing. More often than not, people find themselves at a loss for a comeback during an argument or a debate. Frustratingly, that comeback usually comes to mind hours or days after the debate is over, deeming it useless anyway. When it comes to debating online people do have more time and resources to come up with a clever comeback, but it's still impressive when they do. Whether the person deserved such a brutal response or not is up for debate, but there is no denying it's perfection.

Reddit has a few subreddits for comebacks and rare insults. The subreddit /r/murderedbywords is one of them. This subreddit usually contains more factual and real comebacks, less name-calling, and still wildly entertaining. So here are 25 people getting absolutely owned by insults and comebacks online.

Thanks, but no thanks

(Source: Reddit)

He showed them

(Source: Reddit)

It's working

(Source: Reddit)

Record levels of divorced dad

(Source: Reddit)

Sure is

(Source: Reddit)

Women don't dress for men

(Source: Reddit)

He has a point

(Source: Reddit)

She's real for that

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That was harsh

(Source: Reddit)

The ice cream cake problem

(Source: Reddit)

Just a smidge of seasoning, please

(Source: Reddit)

One star reviews

(Source: Reddit)

It's quite simple

(Source: Reddit)

He really outed himself like that

(Source: Reddit)

Wait, what?

(Source: Reddit)

Just four words…

(Source: Reddit)

That's just sad

(Source: Reddit)

"Controversial take"

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Well, it's true

(Source: Reddit)

Aw man

(Source: Reddit)

How ironic

(Source: Reddit)

Pot of greed

(Source: Reddit)

Use your brain

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: murdered by words, threads, harvard, owned, oof, elon musk, taylor swift, history, facepalm, reviews, insane people, food, twitter, chicken, bad reviews, boomers, cringe, harry potter, facebook, america, ai, yikes, tiktok, collections,