Businesses will try pretty much everything these days. From advertising in ridiculous places to adding paywalls on anything, there's a lot of frustrating business and product designs out there. It's become difficult to use some products or services for their intended purpose without being blocked by an ad of some form, or getting tricked into hitting a paywall for something you thought would be free. It shouldn't work like this, but somehow, the modern economy has found a way to monetize everything and to get more money from people post-purchase.
The following images share some of these such times. Somehow, these things aren't illegal, but they sure do feel uncomfortably close to violating some ethics rules. Some companies seem to go to great lengths to inconvenience users of their products, so much so that it feels deliberately malicious, like someone enjoyed plotting a way to create the most annoyance. Here are 25 images shared by internet users who have had enough.
Design of the century
(Source: Reddit)
Jeep puts ads on car screens
(Source: Reddit)
Scan the QR codes to see the prices
(Source: Reddit)
Replacing water fountains with vending machines
(Source: Reddit)
Online textbook banning copying notes
(Source: Reddit)
Interesting advertising strategy
(Source: Reddit)
I wonder why they make it so difficult
(Source: Reddit)
AT&T's chatbot pretends not to hear you
(Source: Reddit)
Google search results are becoming more useless
(Source: Reddit)
Hotel charging cable that requires an hourly fee
(Source: Reddit)
After turning off notifications, you can get notifications to turn them back on
(Source: Reddit)
Reset Sequence for a Smart Bulb
(Source: Reddit)
You can't delete threads or you'll lose your Instagram account
(Source: Reddit)
Not intended for use on eyes
(Source: Reddit)
How hard is it to list the hours?
(Source: Reddit)
Cool Snapchat feature
(Source: Reddit)
Even websites want tips
(Source: Reddit)
Randomly losing purchased content
(Source: Reddit)
No one wants this
(Source: Reddit)
Another one of these
(Source: Reddit)
Stop trying to rationalize it
(Source: Reddit)
Unlimited gaming hours are actually limited
(Source: Reddit)