Two images from /r/iamverysmart

25 Certified 'Geniuses' Flaunting Their Intelligence On The Internet

There are certain kinds of people on the Internet. Some people have a sort of persona or kind of personality online they want everyone to know and hear about, whether it's accurate or not. For some folks that persona is being super smart. Education is important and there is nothing wrong with seeking out knowledge, but when it gets to the point of people bragging about how high their IQs are and how nobody understands them because everyone else is dumb, it just gets cringeworthy.

These big-brained people just have to let everyone know just how smart they are, no matter what. Maybe they were at the top of their class, maybe they think math is just too easy. Whatever it may be, they make sure everyone else feels inferior in comparison. Reddit's sarcastically titled subreddit, /r/iamverysmart is a subreddit made for all of the moments people just had to let the internet know how smart they are. Here are just 25 of those very cringeworthy, very embarrassing times.

Just Get Rid of School

Teachers don't deserve to be payed more I would know I've been threw manny public schools I learned more outside of school why do you think people are homeschooling more kids and parents should be scolded for not raising their kids properly I've never seen a more misbehaved generation than mine. I'm 20 years old. Any generation below me is even worse 3

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Always Philosophizing

.a I relate so strongly to this book. I constantly am philosophizing about things in my head and nobody understands me. But when I read, or listen in this case, to a book like this, I feel sane again. I feel like maybe I'm not insane. There are just so many things in this book that come intuitively to me but seem so hard for others to understand. Thank you Henry David Thoreau. You're the best companion a man could ever have. 194 2 years ago

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Pop Music is Making Everyone Dumb

LONE) ← Replies 999999900 NOVEMBER As an enlightened individual with an IQ of 167, the drudgery of simple 4/4 and 6/8 time signatures doesn't stimulate my mind. Polyrhythmic Synth Jazz is the only genre I have found that actually provides nourishment to a brain like mine, starved by the vacuous din of modern pop music. 626 B Х

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It's Hard Being Smart

It grates on me that most people are so brain dead and idiotic. Personal story, experience, or rant I don't know if any of you have watched BBC Sherlock, but very often I feel like Mycroft in that show. I live in a world of goldfish and most people seem to me like heavy pigs living in a farm, r mindlessly happy and content, and yet brain dead and doomed. They are losing the plot and are lost in the mainstream narrative fabricated by government and society. Most of the time I am perfectly capable of turning a blind eye to these unintelligent creatures but today an acquaintance of mine made a fairly fatuous remark on a chat group that I'm in and I was like assaulted by the abysmal idiocy. I don't mean to come across as condescending and insulting but it really S world. to be a smart person in a vacuous गु 47

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No One Else Gets It

Asmon is really smart dude, too smart maybe for the content he makes. Most people that have a problem with him you'll find doesn't share that intelligence with him. He's not a 1 dimensional kinda person and as such people that have to put him in that kind of box often get heated over some of his takes and opinions. 1d Like Reply 27 O

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You're a What

ar. 1m ago I am a heavy polyglot, by that I mean I work on 10+ different programming languages and am constantly learning more. I have been a VIM user for over 15 years now. Apart from all the nice features of VIM that most will point out, for me the single most important feature is that I can mold it to suit my needs, i.e. I can script it to do as I wish, some of which I have even shared as open source 213 Reply Share

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Right… Okay

4m Well, if I'm honest, I'm not sure what IQ I really am from test deviations, it's 130s-140s, but I'll answer anyway. I'm actually younger than a "woman" but I'll answer anyways. I'm unhappy with everything because of how intelligent I am. I overthink things. I'm not the best socially. I strive for perfection in everything I do, and I get upset when I'm not perfect at whatever I try. I'm depressed because | understand the real truths of the harshness of the world and how terrible people really are. I annoy people with how smart I am most times because of how much it shows. I don't count as "normal", so not many people like me. I'm burnt out in all aspects of life because things began to feel too hard for me when everything feels easy or at least did when my intelligence was paired with willpower. I guess the most lighthearted is that I no longer enjoy movies because I can predict everything that's going to happen and therefore it's a pointless activity. Reply -1

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So Advanced He Made His Own Problems

�Top fan 37 years ago I was bored in math and learned almost 80 digits of Pi 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781 6406286 Don't ask me why. Young me was bored. 1 d Like Reply Edited 26 You're not alone! 1 d Like Reply �Top fan daughter did this a few years ago and won a prize in school for it. My price was that the math teacher never took me to solve a question on the blackboard. And when we wrote a test he forbid me to go earlier. Often I was finished with half of the given time. So I wrote own questions on the test sheet and solved them... or drew doodles and stuff. xDD 1 d Like Reply Edited 3 B

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This is Perfect

110 GENUIS 70 *genius I would explain the irony of this misspelling, but something tells me it would be a wasted effort. I blame the Department of Education for letting there. standards fall so low. *their 슈-30 76 Lmao this is my favorite thing ^ 20 Л

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Yapologist Over Here

The humor in this video appears to miss the mark for me. Despite varying tastes in comedy, I find that the comedic elements presented fail to evoke laughter or amusement. The timing, delivery, or content might lack the wit or cleverness. that typically resonates with my sense of humor. Comedy is highly subjective, and what may be amusing to one person might not resonate with another. In this instance, the attempts at humor seem forced or fall flat, making it challenging for me to find the video genuinely funny or engaging. It's. important to recognize that humor preferences vary widely, and what appeals to one person may not necessarily appeal to another. 2w Like Reply 226 33 I do you feel accomplished writing all of this, that guarantee no one read yap yap yapping all the time. just stop talking 1w Like Reply 105

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#writing 40 INFJ Aries 6 7 2m: I'm smart... if i say I want something then that's truly what I want because I already mapped it out in my head and ran through all the equations on why I need that. I'm not dependent on useless thoughts. Free will should be a thing, and you need to stop playing God over my life. New > No comments yet! Be the first to respond and gain RELATED POSTS Comment

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Buddy Needs a Better Hobby

I pass this fire exit sign several times a day at work as I go to make a cup of tea. I'm intrigued by the way that while the sign is horizontal, it hangs from an angled ceiling of approximately 45 degrees. In order achieve this the two chains from which it hangs have been cut at unequal lengths. However, chain, unlike string etc, is made up of segments or 'links'. Is it a coincidence that an exact number of links achieves exactly the correct lengths in order that the sign is horizontal? What if the required length of one chain was somewhere between an exact number of links? One link too many and that side would hang slightly lower, one link too short and it would sit higher. Have they shortened a link on one side, or perhaps stretched one on the other? Is the length on chain links determined by the requirements of hanging a sign from a 45 degree angled ceiling? Are ceiling angles adjusted to match the ratio of links required to hang signs? Or perhaps they're close enough that the human eye cannot tell that the sign is not, in fact, actually level? I prefer to think that there is some sort of universal constant at play here, like pi, the Avogado constant or Planck's number. I can't stop thinking about this. 个员

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That Reply Though

r/venting 5h i care more about science and logic than ethics and morals, and im tired of pretending not too. AITA i have a problem with empathizing with others, even the most horrid things that can happen to another human being can barely elicit a "da that sl." i think it comes from my intellect, i have always been a very curious person, mainly in regards to the fields of biology and astronomy. i merely see everyone's problems as insignificant compared to the engineering problems on the latest spacex starship or the failure of the human body to spot and destroy a stray cancer cell. i feel that ethics and morals are just a roadblock and breaking them in exchange for scientific progress would end up helping mankind in the long run. morals and ethics have always been very iffy for me, i don't wish harm on anyone but if someone gets hurt or killed to in a way that progresses our understanding of something, it doesn't bother me. all i really care about in life is just getting answers, i don't care about money, friendship, love or anything else, i only want to know more about everything, and i would happily disregard everything in my life just to know some of life's biggest questions Vote 2 Comments 24h That's because you think you are smart, but you are actually of limited intellect... really smart people understand that scientific progress without morals is

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Any Interlocutors Wanna Discuss String Theory?

20 54 12 I find it so difficult to find even a single other person who can and will have a discussion about books, English, literature, language, theory, criticism-anything inside that large umbrella that we call "English" inside the university. That is the world we live in, for better or worse, and this challenge is certainly not limited to literature or related topics. Anyone deeply interested in anything is going to have a hard time finding interlocuters with the same interest at the same level. Consider the aficionado of free jazz in a world where the entirety of jazz has become a small niche interest. I mean, I would experience that same bewilderment in an in-depth conversation about, say, string theory. (Or even something as simple and accessible as a tv show I've never seen.) In other words, this soul-crushing disappointment you're dealing with is shared with everyone with a true passion. I hope you find your literary circle, your Inklings or Algonquin Round Table; I don't have any advice because I haven't found that circle myself and often think that my interests isolate me from other people rather than connecting me to them. ... Reply -1

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Is That So

I speak and write in a way that suits the audience... if I was endeavoring to be more scholarly, I'd speak accordingly.. but it seems you are condescending to community college professors... if I had one that was interested in teaching me, and could hold my interest, I'd be pleased... heck, I'd be pleased if I had that at a top tier university... plain language is a good thing... condescension, not so much

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LinkedIn Cringe

multiauto F Seme now. 1st I'm a relentless intellectual warrior, conquering new realms of knowledge with insatiable curiosity and unwavering dedication. Setbacks server only to fuel my hunger for progress, propelling me foward with renewed vigour and resilience. Like the slow burn of my Cuban, my pursuit of knowledge is deliberate and methodical, savoured with patience and perseverance. That is why I am who I am. AME

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So Sad

E 3w ago it honestly has I'm kinda disappointed in people's intelligence these days they all either just don't know or don't care that it's a hoax and just take it at face value and it's kinda just sad 啗 4 ☑

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Whole Lotta Geniuses Out Here

r/polls u/Fun-Revolution2132 • 4h How high do you think your IQ is? Other 4'149 Votes 437 Genius (130+) 1.453k Higher than average (110-130) 1.67k Average (90-110) 243 Below average (90-70) 175 Rockstupid (70-) 171 Results 1d 19h 5m left

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Voracious ... .38s I read a couple of pages of Newton's "Principa Mathematica" yesterday, then went on Twitter. I immediately saw how low-IQ this place is. It's horrifying. 2 <]

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So Quirky

When you get along better with the 35+ y/o chemists and PHDs than with the 25+ y/o year old party-goers 8:10 PM Dec 5, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone • 1 Like

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Becoming a Lawyer is Easy

It's honestly not hard to become a lawyer, basically every education that doesn't involve abstract mathematics, is easy to complete. -61 Reply Share ...

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You Won't Believe It

B OP 40m Okay. Just to add validity. You won't believe it anyway. I have a proven IQ of over 160+. I have spent years reading about this as I'm fascinated by it. I, honestly, don't care if I'm proven wrong. I do want to learn from you all. If this can't be refuted then I think this is the answer to the theory of everything. ← Reply -2

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Immediate Un-Match

9:14 < Trev Chat Profile You invited Irev to start the chat Today, 4:09 PM you have the most superfluously refulgent and scintillant eyes, resembling a pair of paraselene in the evening firmament. I hope you're staying safe and healthy in all of this recent. upheaval Send a message Send

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Paper is for Losers

Had to whip it up real quick 11h x2 10 13 13 10 2x dx = = = 132-102 169-100 69 24 1778 2,788 Il 976K 个 5h Did he use paper to solve this?? Lol this was solvable in the mind... 102 1720 654 ılı 238K ↑

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It's Rough Out There for Everyone

Girls of Matched: Please Fill Me In It boggles my mind how infrequently anyone responds to messages, like, what makes it so hard to say something back on the internet. Seriously, at least shoot me down. I have an I over 200 (actually tested on the official mensa site, crazy right?), I'm wealthy, tall broad shouldered and built. I've messaged like 30 girls and only one replied once. 6 26 ✰ Share

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