25 Choosing Beggars Being So Entitled

There are entitled people in the world, and then there are choosing beggars. Choosing beggars are the ultimate form of entitled people. They have this idea in their heads that they should be allowed to have anything and everything they want just because they asked nicely. They never offer anything in return and make insane demands, annoying everyone. They are the kinds of people who never learned that "beggars can't be choosers," and instead they beg and choose their way through life, seeing how much they can get for how little.
Choosing beggars know no bounds when it comes to the things they ask for. They could be asking for anything from childcare and babysitting services to a whole free car or free gaming systems. There is no limit to the things that they want. From Reddit's /r/choosingbeggars, a subreddit that exposes these people, here are 25 insanely entitled people making demands for a living.