
25 Choosing Beggars Making Big Demands

Two images from /r/choosingbeggars
Two images from /r/choosingbeggars

Published April 06, 2024

Published April 06, 2024

It's okay to ask for help in life from time to time. Everyone needs it now and then. Maybe it's a few bucks to make it to payday, maybe it's a piece of furniture to help with moving. Luckily for a lot of people too, there are a ton of nice people out there willing to give their time and help to those who need it. Unfortunately though, there are a whole lot of people who just don't know when to stop. Entitled people, Karens, and "choosing beggars" are the kinds of people who make the most outrageous demands and fully expect people to give up their time and money for no return or reason.

Free childcare, cheap dog sitting, free cars and more are just some of the insane asks these totally tone-deaf people make. A lot of it can be found on Facebook, especially in 'buy nothing' groups or through marketplaces. The extent that some people are willing to go to try and get something free is kind of shocking. Here are 25 people who never learned the phrase "beggars can't be choosers," making ridiculous demands on Reddit's /r/ChoosingBeggars.

Just a bad deal all around

(Source: Reddit)

Make up this person's BIG parenting fail

(Source: Reddit)

Any Bentley's lying around?

(Source: Reddit)

Choosing beggar gets exposed

(Source: Reddit)

More cheap dog sitting

(Source: Reddit)

Tattoo and manicure donations?

(Source: Reddit)

New or excellent condition only

(Source: Reddit)

Now, anyone have a house sitting around?

(Source: Reddit)

So like, a hotel?

(Source: Reddit)

The ham and cheese though

(Source: Reddit)

Drive an hour to deliver free chocolate? Sure

(Source: Reddit)

The Classic Taco Bell Diet

(Source: Reddit)

Seriously though…

(Source: Reddit)

Some people just don't get it

(Source: Reddit)

Cheap board for babysitting

(Source: Reddit)

Just a birthday request

(Source: Reddit)

Fill my yard and also deliver it all

(Source: Reddit)

Geez, for a donation?

(Source: Reddit)

Make me a mural for free, please

(Source: Reddit)

I'd take one too

(Source: Reddit)

That town is an hour and a half away from OP

(Source: Reddit)

This was in a group for necessities

(Source: Reddit)

Must be perfect condition

(Source: Reddit)

Kids need smart TVs, don't you know?

(Source: Reddit)

Even A.I. said no

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggars, entitled people, fb, facebook, dogs, easter, bad parenting, parenting fail, cars, tattoos, nails, babies, housing, new york, reddit, food, karens, taco bell, insane people, jobs, messenger, buy and sell, collections,