
25 'Circle In A Triangle Factory' Memes, Because I Guess We Doin' Circles Now

Two circle in a triangle factory memes
Two circle in a triangle factory memes

Published August 22, 2024

Published August 22, 2024

Once in a while, a crudely-drawn work of art resonates with a lot of people, particularly when posted to social media and allowed to grow into an unmitigated meme. Lately, this attention has been drawn towards a simple comic known as "A Circle?? In a Triangle Factory??" This comic shows a character who is perhaps understandably concerned when he discovers an unexpected shape on his conveyor belt at the triangle factory. Another character (supposedly) then says that they're "doin circles now," accepting his fate to be both a triangle and circle factory operator, or perhaps simply not wanting to deal with the issue.

Ever since it gained traction on Twitter / X, the odd comic and its interpretations attracted many people to redraw or edit it in increasingly uncanny ways, devising both weird and wonderful creations. Here are just a few of the hilarious or oddly specific memes to come from this new trend.

The original

Hate this


Best not to ask questions


Sisyphus moment

Someone explain this one to me

This game was fire

Glimpse into the future


No idea




Seems round enough

Workplace accident

He never said it was working well

Literally me

Made it more realistic

Oh no

Ruining the brand


Tesseract factory

Bottomless pit

Not another one

Tags: circle in a triangle factory, i guess we doin circles now, i guess we doing circles now, comics, work, collections,