These 25 Classic Dad Jokes Are Fun For Everyone

Some of the most classic jokes of all time are dad jokes. Dad jokes are the kinds of simple jokes and gags that are so obvious and so simple that it hurts a bit. They are filled with puns and wordplay, they are fun for the whole family, and a great way to annoy a group of people really quickly. People tend to find dad jokes annoying probably because of how corny they are, they generally receive a groan or a facepalm once they are told, but the genius behind them can't go unnoticed. There are many places to find fresh dad jokes to add to the arsenal.
The Twitter account @DadSaysJokes posts fresh ones every single day. There are also plenty to be found on Instagram. Overall, dad jokes are a corny and silly way to cheer up a whole bunch of people super quickly. They're pretty safe too. Here are 25 classic dad jokes to use at the next friends or family function. They're sure to get at least one laugh.