25 Clever Signs Making Us Laugh

It's true that signs are a necessary evil. They are needed for many things. They alert people of stores and sales, signs guide people on roads and paths, and they caution people of dangers ahead. While it's true that they are needed in the world, it's also true that they're kind of ugly. They take up a lot of space and block natural views. So, what's the solution to this unique yet universal problem? Making signs funny.
There is nothing better than unexpectedly seeing something utterly hilarious during an otherwise normal day. Funny signs that contain jokes and puns are just a small way to improve everyone's day, no matter what. The other great thing about them is that many times, people will take a photo of that sign and share it with the world, so even more people see it. There is no downside to making a sign funny. Here are 25 hilarious signs spotted in the wild from Reddit's /r/funnysigns.