25 Completely Unhinged Listings On Online Marketplaces
You can sell practically anything you want online. That's a double-edged sword, because on one hand, you're always going to be able to find someone willing to buy what you're selling. But on the other hand, people will sell almost anything they want, even if it seems ridiculous. This is exactly where Reddit's /r/crackheadcraigslist comes in, a subreddit dedicated to showing off the most unhinged examples of things being sold on online marketplaces.
From "slightly used" vehicles to essential pieces of trash, you'll be constantly surprised by what people have to offer, even if it isn't instrumental. Some of these posts seem obvious practical jokes, but others are so unusual that you'll wonder if they're real. Either way, prepare to enter a world filled with cursed listings, from fighter jets to half-chewed-up calculators, but if you're lucky you might find something worth its asking price, even if the photos taken of it don't do it much justice.