
25 Corny Memes For All The Science Nerds

facebook post
doctor checking back 
spinal countdown
facebook post
doctor checking back 
spinal countdown

Published September 27, 2024

Published September 27, 2024

The scientific field is vast and filled with many players, from very ordinary people who are currently enrolled or have a passion for STEM, to big-name influencers such as Neil deGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye The Science Guy. Either way, it's filled to the brim with all sorts of content, from educational to entertaining, and all of it can be accessed at the tip of your fingers with the power of the internet.

This collection aims to make you laugh by collecting some of the nerdiest memes possible from Science Memes, a massive Facebook group chat with over 900k members who specialize in all things science. Prepare to enter a world of laughter and enlightenment, where you can laugh at the shared suffering of other students in STEM fields while also learning a thing or two about each respective field. There's rarely a place on the internet where you can learn something new while also laughing at various jokes at other people's expense.

The human body is terrifying

(Source: Facebook)

Very punny

(Source: Facebook)

Too real

(Source: Facebook)

Another pun to keep it going

(Source: Facebook)

New fear unlocked

(Source: Facebook)

Physics is alot better without Maths…

(Source: Facebook)

They must sculpt the whole world!

(Source: Facebook)

Three puns, thats a strike!

(Source: Facebook)

We've gotten soft…

(Source: Facebook)

The only viable solution!

(Source: Facebook)

Talk about unlucky!

(Source: Facebook)

Some nachos to celebrate!

(Source: Facebook)

He won't like the answer…

(Source: Facebook)

Maths made better

(Source: Facebook)

Truly a sight to behold!

(Source: Facebook)

All about perspective!

(Source: Facebook)

Unpaid labor!

(Source: Facebook)

Expectation vs. Reality

(Source: Facebook)

Science getting rizzy!

(Source: Facebook)

iPhone Biology

(Source: Facebook)

The worst feeling ever

(Source: Facebook)

Once again, Physics tops Maths!

(Source: Facebook)

Math is hard

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The flavor of grass in a tube!

(Source: Facebook)

Tags: science memes, scientific memes, education memes, educational memes, collections,