25 Crazy Facebook Posts Made By Bad Parents

Facebook is a site used for many things, but one main thing it is used for is its groups feature. Facebook groups are used for groups of people with similar lifestyles and interests to come together and share stories or ask questions. Parenting groups are just one kind of group that is very popular.
Parenting groups are super helpful for parents during every stage of life. There is a pretty big downside to them, though, and that is that they are open to anyone, including the insane parents. It's like some people forget that Facebook is a public place, and they post the craziest posts imaginable. From obscure parenting choices to quite literally incriminating information, these groups are full of pure insanity.
Some people, parents or not, have chosen to infiltrate these groups and share the most insane posts from them with the world. Seeing these kinds of posts is a rollercoaster of emotions, from hilarious to upsetting to cringeworthy, it gets pretty brutal in there. Here are 25 wild posts from parents doing… something… online.