25 Crazy People Making The World A More Chaotic Place

Some people in the world have some pretty wild agendas and ideas. Some people are just braver and bolder than the rest of us. Some people make the world a much more chaotic place than it usually is, and that's fun for the rest of the people in the world to see. They do what they want before thinking and without considering any consequences; they just don't care. Call it a side quest or call it a man on a mission, the bottom line is that folks are out there taking part in some insane activities.
There is a term for these kinds of people, they are known as mad lads. It is a term derived from British slang and it encapsulates the insanity that these individuals take part in. Anyone can be a mad lad, whether they are old, young, human, or not. There is no blueprint for a mad lad, they just have to live like one.
Reddit's /r/madlads is a subreddit where people share all of the most insane mad lads they see out there in the world. Whether they are being mad online, in the privacy of their homes, or on the streets for all to see. Here are 25 mad lads making the world a crazy place.