25 Creative Designs For Every Country's Hatsune Miku

Back in June, Twitter user @ErinArtista inadvertently started a new trend that involved creating a variety of renditions of the famous Vocaloid character Hatsune Miku for each country. It originally started with the Brazillian version of Hatsune, created by the same Artist, and quickly spawned other character variations for each respective country.
This collection attempts to compile some of the very best renditions, with some being a lot more creative than others. The Miku versions featured include but are not limited to Finnish, French, Chilean, Cyborg, and many more versions of the beloved character. This meme is especially creative considering how much it allows people to flex their artistic prowess to create their version of a famous internet character. We all like it when we're properly represented in media and entertainment, and by giving Hatsune her respective makeover for each country, Hatsune has proven herself to be an international, and maybe even interdimensional icon.