
25 Cringe-Inducing Memes From Facebook

Two images from /r/terriblefacebookmemes
Two images from /r/terriblefacebookmemes

Published April 11, 2024

Published April 11, 2024

Not all memes are made equal, and while taste is subjective, there are some memes that are just shockingly bad. Still though, there is a certain audience that enjoys these particular memes. Facebook seems to harbour just the worst memes out there, and for whatever reason, the audience seems to love them, well a certain portion of them anyways.

Everyone has seen these kinds of memes. They're generally pretty politically driven, they sometimes contain minions and they just sort of scream "out-of-touch." They're the kinds of memes that weird conspiracy theorist uncle shares to their feed, hoping to offend someone, that just makes you sigh and shake your head a little. They're bad, they're wrong, they cater to a very specific kind of humor, which could be considered boomer humor.

For so many of these terrible memes, Reddit's /r/TerribleFacebookMemes has plenty. Scrolling through this subreddit truly is painful at times, here are just 25 of them.

Those darn engineers

(Source: Reddit)

The A.I. image really makes this meme

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Wait till they find out what's under a house

(Source: Reddit)

So meaningful and deep

(Source: Reddit)

Sunglasses cowboy here to educate

(Source: Reddit)

What is this?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Those pesky snowflakes

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

It always comes back to Taylor Swift

(Source: Reddit)

This is a classic

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Chuck Norris is our true savior

(Source: Reddit)

They ruined it

(Source: Reddit)

Truly terrible

(Source: Reddit)

There, that's the difference guys

(Source: Reddit)

It's so bad it's funny

(Source: Reddit)

Is that so?

(Source: Reddit)

Okay, and?

(Source: Reddit)

Wake up, people

(Source: Reddit)

Religion Marvel

(Source: Reddit)

The children need to feel the burn

(Source: Reddit)

I don't even know

(Source: Reddit)

Alpha hobbies only

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/terriblefacebookmemes, cringeworthy, memes, cringe, facebook, fb, college, engineers, ai, cars, electric cars, boomer humour, kids, adhd, solar eclipse, taylor swift, ford, minion memes, boomers, chuck norris, stevie nicks, collections,