25 Cringe-Inducing Memes From Facebook

Not all memes are made equal, and while taste is subjective, there are some memes that are just shockingly bad. Still though, there is a certain audience that enjoys these particular memes. Facebook seems to harbour just the worst memes out there, and for whatever reason, the audience seems to love them, well a certain portion of them anyways.
Everyone has seen these kinds of memes. They're generally pretty politically driven, they sometimes contain minions and they just sort of scream "out-of-touch." They're the kinds of memes that weird conspiracy theorist uncle shares to their feed, hoping to offend someone, that just makes you sigh and shake your head a little. They're bad, they're wrong, they cater to a very specific kind of humor, which could be considered boomer humor.
For so many of these terrible memes, Reddit's /r/TerribleFacebookMemes has plenty. Scrolling through this subreddit truly is painful at times, here are just 25 of them.