25 Cringeworthy Images Making Everyone Uncomfortable

There is so much to cringe at in the world. Everyone is human, meaning everyone has done cringeworthy things here and there. Especially growing up, there are bound to be cringeworthy moments and memories that are to be regretted. Some people are more cringeworthy than others, though. Some people are born to be cringeworthy, which is unfortunate for them but entertaining for everyone else.
Cringe is a strange feeling. It isn't a pleasant feeling but it's also something that a lot of people enjoy. For some reason people like seeing other people fail and be socially awkward. It's kind of sick. Though, to be fair, a lot of the people being made fun of deserve it because the cringeworthy things they do are just diabolical. There are many places online to find cringe content, but obviously Reddit is full of it. There are many subreddits dedicated to sharing cringeworthy content, and many of them are honestly hard to look at. Here are 25 uncomfortable posts from people who just don't know what they're doing.