25 Cringeworthy Images No One Likes To See
Everyone has done some cringeworthy things throughout their lives. Being cringe is something that comes along with growing up. Usually, people grow out of it or realize what they are doing is bad, but other people live the cringeworthy lifestyle forever. It's hard to say why some people are more cringeworthy than others, maybe it's a lack of socialization and bad social skills, or maybe it's just the way they're born, but the only certain thing is that it is unfortunate.
It might feel mean to laugh at these cringeworthy folks, and maybe it is, but it's also entertaining and honestly, most of them deserve the criticism. Cringe content is all over the web, but it is especially prevalent on Reddit because there are so many communities dedicated to sharing it. So from /r/cringepics and /r/sadcringe, here are 25 cringeworthy things people have done that are kind of hard to look at.