25 Cringeworthy Interactions From Dating Apps
Cuffing season is quickly coming to and end and hot girl summer is thawing. That means all of the singles, long term singles and newly singles, are dusting off their online dating accounts in the hopes for some fresh connections. Dating has changed a lot over the years. Many moons ago people had to meet in person, naturally. Now with just a single, decisive swipe someone can find the love of their life or lose them forever. Dating using apps can be pretty shallow, not to say that it is impossible to find true love on them, but it takes a lot of weeding.
From terrible pickup lines to concerning bios, apps like Tinder are riddled with red flags. Single Reddit users can come together on the many dating app subreddits to share their own cringeworthy interactions and encounters courtesy of the many dating apps out there. Here are 25 of those horrible moments that might prove just how bad everyone's socialization skills are.