Meme Encyclopedia

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Studio Ghibli AI Generator image example depicting disaster girl.

Studio Ghibli AI Generator

Sakshi Rakshale

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The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile

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Ashton Hall's Morning Routine

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Italian Brainrot / AI Italian Animals

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Mateus Lima • 8 days ago

Tralalero Tralala meme example.

Tralalero Tralala

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Sakshi Rakshale • about a month ago

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25 Cringeworthy Memes And Posts With Terrible Captions

Two images from /r/comedycemetery
Two images from /r/comedycemetery

Published January 17, 2025

Published January 17, 2025

Meme making is an art form. Making memes is not for everyone and that means that some memes are great and others are really terrible. It's true that not all memes are made equally, but some don't even deserve the title of being a meme. Some memes should never have seen the light of day. Unfortunately, though, some people have a sense of humor that is equally as bad as these cringeworthy memes. Some people decide to share memes that should have stayed in the comedy cemetery where they belong.

There are a few elements that can make a meme bad. A meme could be bad because the joke isn't funny, or because the meme is old and overused, or because it simply makes no sense and isn't really a meme at all. There is a lot to be seen in the comedy cemetery, but people need to leave those posts there.

For anyone who enjoys the more cringeworthy memes online. for whatever reason, here we have collected 25 memes from the comedy cemetery to appreciate them and then forget about them. For an unfunny scrolling time, here are some bad memes.

The reply ruined it

(Source: Reddit)

Kids these days

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Stay single

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Only legends will get it

(Source: Reddit)

To be nice

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Only boys know

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Why so many captions?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Exam hall things

(Source: Reddit)

Wife bad

(Source: Reddit)

Gamers only

(Source: Reddit)

What's the big deal?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The chosen one

(Source: Reddit)

So glorious

(Source: Reddit)

If you want!

(Source: Reddit)

What is this?

(Source: Reddit)

High meme knowledge

(Source: Reddit)

There's a lot going on here

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: comedy cemetery, comedy homicide, /r/comedycemetery, memes, bad memes, cringe, reddit, the internet, social media, bad meme, terrible memes, fails, meme fails, /r/facepalm,

Meme Encyclopedia