Two images from /r/iamverysmart

25 Cringeworthy People Too Smart For This World

Some people are just too smart for this world. It's a fact everyone has to face. Some people have a bigger vocabulary, they study more, they don't have time for meaningless entertainment, and above all, they have a super high IQ, of course. These kinds of people have no problem letting everyone know just how smart they are. They will spread their knowledge, or their claim to knowledge, everywhere they go. They will correct people, even when it's a joke, they will make sure others know they are inferior, and they will go on and on about how hard it is to be so smart.

It's pretty cringeworthy to see these people talking about themselves and their big brains, especially because it's probably super exaggerated most of the time. Reddit's /r/iamverysmart is a subreddit to share the moments of these very bold, very 'smart', and very facepalm-worthy individuals with the world. Here are just 25 of them who claim to be much smarter than any of us.

Smart, intellectual

8:15 Emkay • 30K VIEWS • 10 nours ago Opulent Vision 14 hours ago Do you watch a lot of TV?? Subscribe Replies 38 min ago 46 I don't like to see tv It is bored I prefer chess, maths or still learning trick of rubicon's cube 31 Add a reply... Os ago R\lamverysmart 凸 B D Reply added

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< Can you blow out a flame through glass? Comments 794 45 min ago Simple aero. Simpletons. 6 2 replies 43K Dislike || 794

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High IQ

Today at 16:42 People who lurk waiting for me to make a mistake Don't actually realise I have an IQ of above 120, I'm very logical with my actions as a mod. I've been doing this for around 5-10 years anyway, so that's a long wait for a lot of people

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Replies 5mo ago Nice content. I've always felt compelled to pursue the greatest interests of mankind, to wit. A way to be influential, powerful and protected. always felt the need to be recognized wherever i go, not because i am proud or clamorous but because of who i am and what i represent. The inner me is gasping to find out more knowledge about the human race and about the things that not everyone is destined to know. I wish to blossom into the enlightenment that our forebears wanted so desperately for us to gain. 404

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Bad words = dumb

You need education vulgar language tells us all we need to know about you 1d Like Reply 726 hahaha what a boomer mentality. Use of profanity is no longer indicative of low vocabulary or lack of intelligence. However, an individuals inability to adjust to cultural changes is usually a good indicator that particular person is of less than average intelligence. 15h Like Reply 680

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What is cool?

[deleted] .3y ago What is cool? (I know what the word means but think philosophically about the question and answer to yourself) 9 ↑ Share OP is obviously the epitome of cool 5 Share OP -3y ago It seems to me that that is exactly the point. It's made up as we go along and while I appreciate the art of making an act look effortless and flamboyantly nihilistic portrayals of defying conformity, etc., this seems a harder sell to me. Like all the constituent pieces don't quite fit the archetypal mould that would otherwise seamlessly resonate within. -3 ↑ Share 3y ago Somebody got a thesaurus for their birthday! A "flamboyantly nihilistic portrayal" leading to "constituent pieces" misfitting an "archetypal mold". Whatever the that's supposed to mean LOL 9 ↑ Share OP 3y ago Edited 3y ago Lol @ that tired old "thesaurus" slam, Dinosaurus Rex. Picturing your little claws struggling at grasping the nuances of self- mockery before vehemently attacking the keyboard. Guess it don't matter when you parked at the jurassic. + ↑ Share More replies

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Bullying your mom

Yesterday at 12:17am & Mom: *reads article on very basic particle physics* "did you know quarks come in pairs of 2's and 3's? Also, scientists recently discovered a tetraquark pair." Me: "No I'm blind, deaf, and stupid mom. At least she tried, I suppose haha. Like +2 Comment Share 3 Comments No at least I cared enough to read the article Unlike Reply 2- Yesterday at 10:50am If you care... mesons, baryons, fermions, leptons, gauge bosons, HADRONS, strangeness, charmness, etc you get the point haha Like Reply - Yesterday at 11:34am .....ok I'll study harder Like Reply - Yesterday at 11:59am

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Smartest child around

Eh, I was reading college textbooks in Kindergarten. I was reading well above my grade level. I continue to read voluminously, it hasn't done anything special for me other than to make me more self aware. 1d Haha Reply 32 Just to flex, I know how to drink water 5h Like Reply 4h Like Reply meh 116

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Got 'em

5h People act like this is so hard, I'm 15 and yea I do have a really high IQ (150s) and I can easily do integrated calculus in my head, and easily calculate the amount of valence electrons in a nucleus. And I'm also highly trained in quantum physics, by the way I'm totally self educated. Reply -12-> 5h There are no electrons in any atomic nucleus. 4h Boom! +9+ +34

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What is he on about?

19 Mar 3:58am I don't know what to tell you here pal....I've been told my entire life that my words matter more than the words of others. I've been called perfect countless times, by men and women alike. I've been called a god on numerous occasions, and no, not for getting a high score on a video game. Understandably that to hear, given how your life has played out, but it it is true that some people are special, and others aren't. Some are good looking, and some are ugly. Some are athletic, and some are fat. And a surprising number of people just aren't remarkable in any way, but they can still be good people. The problem is, everyone in society seems to think they're special, but when viewed objectively, there is nothing to substantiate the notion. The sooner you come to terms with this reality, the better off you'll be. Your basement psychology session is cliche and boring, and you couldn't be further from the truth, but I do hope you figure it all out nonetheless. Good luck! Reply

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What is your take on AGI and the singularity? Ummmm I don't know what that means lol Oh my bad, I should have given you more detail. AGI = artificial general intelligence. And the singularity is when it will surpass human intelligence with the ability to replicate/evolve. I thought you might have an interesting view. yesterday Well... Just goes to show you that being a software engineer does not necessarily indicate a high IQ or a well thought out world view I beg your pardon? Delivered

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I can't with this

20h ago What I am about to say could be considered so evil to some but like... the fact of the matter is that you need to be a certain level of thoughtful and intelligent to understand TTPD and it is very evident that the people who are very vocal about it being "bad" just... aren't that thoughtful or intelligent. And that's okay! But maybe don't say something is bad if you just don't personally want to take more than 2 seconds to understand a piece of art. #taylor swift #ttpd #the tortured poets department Blaze 585 notes

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Smart guy spotted

Tony Stark, known as Iron Man, would be close to me in terms of understanding and analysis of information. Reply 1 1

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He spots the lick

is feeling entertained. August 15, 2018 6 I am smarter than you think. If I am not talking, I am learning or studying everything around me. I've seen most everything. There isn't a situation that I haven't just been thrown into, the lions den, fake people, fake phone calls, make believe stories, things that most people are gullible about, I spot before you try to make them a reality. I spot the lick, before you open your mouth. Yes, this does pertain to you.

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Too cool for school

I know brother. I'm at 140 and had a kid in high school, and recognized early that college had nothing to teach me that I couldn't learn faster alone, so I went straight to work. Everyone I work with seems idiotic to me. But the smartest thing you can do is search for their value. It's a fun game.

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Teachers don't deserve to be payed more I would know I've been threw manny public schools I learned more outside of school why do you think people are homeschooling more kids and parents should be scolded for not raising their kids properly I've never seen a more misbehaved generation than mine. I'm 20 years old. Any generation below me is even worse 3

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What does this mean?

#writing 40 INFJ Aries 6 7 2m: I'm smart... if i say I want something then that's truly what I want because I already mapped it out in my head and ran through all the equations on why I need that. I'm not dependent on useless thoughts. Free will should be a thing, and you need to stop playing God over my life. New > No comments yet! Be the first to respond and gain RELATED POSTS Comment

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He speaks to suit the audience

I speak and write in a way that suits the audience... if I was endeavoring to be more scholarly, I'd speak accordingly.. but it seems you are condescending to community college professors... if I had one that was interested in teaching me, and could hold my interest, I'd be pleased... heck, I'd be pleased if I had that at a top tier university... plain language is a good thing... condescension, not so much

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Not narcissism at all

GI • 54m Yes, in fact I consider myself smarter than 99% of humanity bare minimum. No this isn't narcissism, I am just simply well aware of my capabilities compared from me to most others. Why am I smarter than 99% of people? Heres a few reasons • • Non judgement skills Loving Kind ⚫ Wise • • • . • • • Open-minded Quick learned • Well versed into understanding Cool Unconditional love skills L I know the lines, these should not be crossed by me or anyone or else biiiiig mistake . Lots of experiences • Realist D-> L > M Reply 1

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IQ of 130 means no bias

wow what a totally unbiased overgeneralisation, aren't you so clever 51 minutes J'aime Répondre 4 what do you expect me to reply to that? I have an iq of 130 which puts me just shy of the top 2% of the world's population. If you want to have a discussion, bring some points to discuss? 48 minutes J'aime Répondre → 4

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Aren't you… an Apple user?

Most Apple customers are stupid Discussion The majority of Apple users are low IQ and stupid, I was on Facebook market today, and the woman was advertising a MacBook 16 2021, I asked her, how big is the SSD? She said do you mean the memory? I said no, you've already put the memory on there 16 GB ram I said I wanna know how big the SSD is, the stupid cow asked me what an SSD was, I said a hard drive! she goes I'm sorry I don't know, This is how Apple is able to charge outrageous amounts of money for their products, because the people buying them are mostly stupid. ã…‡ 0 | 22 10

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I just realized that "firefly" is the opposite of "waterfall". Twitter: @imhighdude 1.3K Like View previous comments Fire isn't opposite of water tho Like Reply. Share. 22m 15 188 Comments 149 Shares Comment Share All Comments

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Laugh emoji overload

7m Feedback from 2 days of monitoring by experts and psychologists was... They couldn't bench mark me against experts because I beat all their records I'm too intelligent, I make people feel like they are slow and can't keep up, and sometimes I need to understand that most of the world works at a slower pace and I should take the time to explain my rationale and how I arrive at solutions, instead of jumping 10 steps ahead and expecting everyone to follow cut me deep in the feels basically what every one of my exes has told me before bunch of salty people I say my boss loved it, said finally someone has said it. Your too clever, dumb down a bit you making us all feel bad story of my life hey 1

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High IQ assessment

5.11h Kudos for pointing this out. The idea that the series could have been great, save for insufficient didacticism in the finale, is an incredibly fatuous criticism. Reply 30

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