25 Cursed Comments Nobody Asked For
Some people really need to learn when enough is enough. Sure, the internet is a place of freedom where, for the most part, anyone can post just about anything, but does that mean they should? It's like sometimes people forget there are other people reading their comments, or they are fully aware and just do not care. Probably the latter. Are some of these unhinged and very cursed comments kind of funny? Yeah… but that doesn't make them any less deplorable.
Reddit's /r/cursedcomments is one of the most brutal subreddits out there. It is home to the comments made by individuals who just don't know when to stop. The jokes they make are out of control and frankly a little shocking, sometimes upsetting even. Here are 25 certified cursed comments from various parts around the web that nobody asked for, but also, no one is really complaining about them being here.