Two images from /r/bumble and /r/tinder

25 Dating App Encounters With Varying Levels Of Success

Technology has taken over almost every aspect of life, there isn't much left that doesn't have some sort of technological advancement to it. This is true for dating too. Dating apps are the way people meet and get together now, and there are so many of them too. They all have the same sort of features and mechanics. People are given a whole bunch of other people in their area, they swipe (and hopefully match) and then it all goes from there. Though the premise is simple, online dating is no walk in the park.

People are crazy, and the amount of insanity that can be found and experienced on apps like Tinder and Bumble is unmatched. Some people get lucky and do find the loves of their lives on there, but it takes a whole lot of searching to get to that point. For some comfort, users of Reddit's /r/Tinder and /r/Bumble share their best and worst moments from these apps with the world so everyone can see for themselves. Here are just 22 of those awkward times no one is enjoying.

It's rough out there

k @krownnist bumble added "intimacy without commitment" to the list of what people are looking for. im so jealous of everyone who found love before the internet because this is pure he** What do you want from your Bumble date? A long-term relationship Fun, casual dates Marriage Intimacy, without commitment A life partner Ethical non-monogamy

(Source: Reddit)

Very few words

< Paul Hey Yesterday Hey Paul, great to match with you! Looks like you like to get out in the outdoors like I do- some great photos you have! Morning Today I'm just back from a trip to Istanbul, arrived home yesterday so washing for me , then off to watch a bit of rugby, I'll be out walking around Emley tomorrow. So what does the weekend have in store for you? A man of few words I see. Delivered

(Source: Reddit)


It seems like you're down to most things as long as it's an adventure, and you have the right company. Yea Today Aa Delivered GIF No Y Si QWERTYUIOP ASDFGHJKLÑ ZXCVBNM ☑ 123 (8) espacio intro

(Source: Reddit)


I just know we would get into trouble if we were together The n 1 kind What trouble is that? Aa GIF Ah cringe Delivered

(Source: Reddit)

Slightly frustrating

Michelle, 320 < My bio Hey guys, please read my profile. I don't do small talk, if you message me "hey" or "how are you" I'm not going to answer. Michelle Hey Today

(Source: Reddit)

Alrighty then

20:42 1 - 91 Today Hey there! How's it going? Hi Alyssa, I'm sorry, you aren't my cup of tea evening ☐ Aa have a good GIF + Delivered

(Source: Reddit)

What a way to start a conversation

09:48 < Robbin Yesterday Today My mom died when I was only 10 till 91% Hoi! ^^ I am so sorry to hear that! T_T That's a really young age for life to be Robbin' a parent away from ya Aa GIF <+> Delivered

(Source: Reddit)


Undergraduate degree ? Socially * Man Moderate I'm looking for Intimacy, without commitment QA long-term relationship

(Source: Reddit)


Looking for Long-term partner About me Ya know what, I used to try simp over girls or show my love and it got me no where, so I'm going back to being a mean, narcissistic, self- loathing, idiot that treats women like s So, f you and f off. P.s. You'll never get the chance to meet my dog, he probably already hates you because you threaten to take his side of the bed. Prompts ❝6 The key to my heart is... Acceptance/reciation x= 66 I'll run the other direction if you...

(Source: Reddit)

Use this as a filter

6:254 YOU MATCHED WIT.. *18/14/19 Oh lord. Gotta do the potato test Say potato if you're real Today 6:14 PM Heyy! you are my first match I dare you to try to make a better first message ahaha Say potato And btw, if you don't mind me asking this, why are you on Tinder? Personally I think I'm not much into serious stuff ahaha SAY POTATO Sent

(Source: Reddit)

At least she's honest

Active 20 66 I'm not gonna lie. When I look at men all I see are moneybags

(Source: Reddit)

Is that the answer?

Chat Profile Yesterday 9:50 AM The best way to ask me out is by Don't. You'll arrive for dinner at 19:00. Date and location TBD Yesterday 10:23 AM I absolutely love that! You're the only person who's been able to respond to this Send a message

(Source: Reddit)


Yesterday Your bio is super interesting :) Today I think your b interesting ; are very But hey maybe that's because I'm a man and I have nothing else to go on because I haven't met you who knows? I think you re hot Delivered

(Source: Reddit)

How do you respond

You look like you have a long history of punching your boyfriends. But the red hair, your perfect eyebrows, and makeup are so I'm willing to risk it. What? i would never do that You're a cute lil snack I wanna taste just a little sample and then I want to put the rest of you in my pocket safe for later and hopefully it's a hot summer day and you melt in my fingers and then I lick it off my fingers and oops I got a stain of you on my T-shirt and I don't want to ever wash my T- shirt. I want to keep your stain.

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe a bad app to be on then

My most irrational fear Men

(Source: Reddit)

Aaaaand blocked

↓ Saturday 9:03 a.m. Posting that pup is such a thirst trap I love it Saturday 10:50 p.m. Ya well it's hard luring in hot girls like you when your a lil sissy like me → Saturday 11:55 p.m. I find that hard to believe the pup is cute but he ain't got nothing on you you're cute too. You come home after a night out with friends and find me wearing your lacey p What u do? Sent

(Source: Reddit)


You should *not* go out with me if U CANT HANDLE A WEIRD B [!!!!!!!! Also if ur not vegan, Im cool to hook up with or be friends with anyone who's chill, but I cannot get into romance with ppl who aren't vegan as it will not work out long term

(Source: Reddit)

For the short kings

Pocket boyfriend! With an incredible 5 feet 2 inches, I'm here to revolutionize your height preferences. Everything a boyfriend has to offer in the palm of your hand! Tired of not having enough space in bed? | barely take half of it. Miss sleeping with your teddy bear? I'm warm and cozy. Tired of being crushed when the guy lies on you? I weight only 130 pounds All of this is just one swipe away! Nowdays the trend is to be minimalist

(Source: Reddit)

Well okay then

< Where are you as a firefighter? Witch city Ur in the air force ? I'm an Air Force firefighter e Oh d Yuck Military life si Ew You should just be a regular firefighter

(Source: Reddit)

The clarification was not needed

I am originally from taiwN Taiwan Lives here for almost 10 hears Oh wow. Nice! I loved Taiwan Not Thailand, haha Oh ok. I just moved here on Tuesday Taiwan, Lol I know the difference. I've been to both Lost of people don't know the diff between Thailand and taiwan Lol But thanks Ok + Sent

(Source: Reddit)

Don't throw them

YOU MATCHED WITH * 5/17/24 tell me something interesting >> Today 10:21AM Hmmmmm did you know that babies are 80% water by weight? That's way more than an adult, who is 60% water by weight. Today 3:50 PM Wow baby's basically mini water balloons Today 4:27PM Yeah except you can't really throw them + Sent

(Source: Reddit)


Today 8:47 AM good morning queen how are you Hiiii you're so cute please bully me you sure?? looks like you've been through enough call me a consent king, as long as it's there Send a message Sent

(Source: Reddit)

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